Dryland and On-snow ski camps give young athletes the opportunity to focus on ski techniques and skills, teamwork, self reliance and good eating habits. They can motivate, promote friendships, influence lifestyle choices and provide a positive introduction to cross country skiing as a life sport to improve fitness and wellbeing.
Criteria for achieving the Ski Camps awards:
To deserve the Dryland and On Snow Ski Camps awards, a skier must have participated in a club camp comprised of different activities spanning at least over a full day and requiring an overnight stay.
At the clubs’ or coaches’ discretion, the following requirements may also be considered to award these prizes:
Packed and organized for the camp including any specialized equipment that might be needed
Learned about the importance of nutrition, flexibility, strength and other important training considerations
Participated in “core strength” and ski-specific strength exercises
Practiced and improved skating and classic techniques, either on dryland or on snow
Assisted in the preparation of camp meals
Contributed his/her share in camp duties and completed the tasks that I was assigned
Remembered to take all of personal belongings with him/her when left camp